Thinking About the New Year

As Christmas day approached and 2018 comes to an end, many of us will be thinking about making New Year’s resolutions for a healthier 2019.

What are the usual resolutions we make ?

Improve relationships with friends/family. 86% kept this for more than a month, with 58% sticking with it after a year.

Get a healthier work-life balance – 75% kept this for more than a month, with 43% sticking with it after a year.

Start playing more sport, or other forms of exercise – 77% kept this for more than a month, with 36% sticking with it after a year

Get more sleep – 59% kept this for more than a month, with 32% sticking with it after a year.

Reduce alcohol intake – 61% kept this for more than a month, with 31% sticking with it after a year.

Cut down on social media – 61% kept this for more than a month, with 31% sticking with it after a year.

Start going to the gym – 68% kept this for more than a month, with 23% sticking with it after a year.

Go on a diet – 65% kept this for more than a month, with 19% sticking with it after a year.

Take part in Dry January – 63% kept for all January.

Quit smoking – 41% kept this for more than a month, with 13% sticking with it after a year.

We all have bad habits. As you know, habits are hard to break. Making a permanent change requires courage and determination.

Changing or giving up something can feel like you need super-human strength and willpower.

Unfortunately, super-human strength is really only found in comic books, and willpower can wilt as soon as a hurdle appears.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is used by many people to make a permanent change in their life – whether that is a physical change such as stopping smoking or losing weight, or whether it is an emotional change, such as being more relaxed and calm in certain situations.

Many people say that it is one of the most effective ways of dealing with the changes we so want to to make in our lives, it certainly helps with things like cravings and other withdrawal issues linked for instance to quitting smoking.

Understanding what NLP is will help you understand why it is an effective way of making a permanent life change.

Dr. Richard Bandler coined the term ‘neuro-lingustic programming’ in the 1970s. He wrote the definition that appears in the Oxford English Dictionary:

NLP is a “model of interpersonal and communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of behaviour and subjective experiences” and “[an] alternative therapy based… which seeks to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behaviour” 

We offer individual and business coaching using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching techniques, which are based on four key areas: people not equalling their behaviour and having the freedom to change their behaviours; people possessing all that’s needed to succeed and learning how to unlock that potential; communication success is based on response and learning to communicate better yields better responses; people are in control of their own minds and the life that they lead.

NLP coaching, can be tailored to reinforce best practices and encourage productivity in individuals or for thise in a busineses enviroment. It’s about enabling you to recognise your innate potential and helping you to unleash and harness that power. NLP coaching for employers or employees can help to improve:

  • Changing a habit
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Stress management
  • The easy release and management of negative emotions
  • Career guidance
  • Relationship issues
  • Fears and phobias

Dedicated to customer service and leading with a listening ear, Starfish People can provide the coaching you need to thrive in 2019 and beyond.

No matter what coaching need is, Starfish People boasts a team of highly professional experts who offer bespoke by providing individuals with access to improved self-awareness, confidence, behavior, and interpersonal skills.

One step at a time you can change your life, one step at a time you can go from average to great, don’t be disheartened on your journey to a greater life. Every single day do something in relation to your goals, have a daily task list of things that need to be completed and get them done, if you don’t get them complete on that day take it over to the next day, but make sure you make positive strides towards the life of your dreams. Take action and call the number below, we will support your change and help you on your journey.

Looking for business coaching advice?

Email us at [email protected] or feel free to call us on 01243 607357.L

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