A new system to find people who come into close contact with those infected with coronavirus will start in England from today.
The aim of the test and trace system is to move forward from the current lockdown.
What will you have have to do now?
As is currently the case, anyone who develops symptoms of coronavirus – a persistent cough, fever, or a sudden loss of taste or sense of smell – will have to isolate for seven days and the rest of their household for 14 days.
The difference is that from today, anyone with symptoms should ask for a test online or call to arrange a test by calling 119.
If the test comes back negative, everyone in your household can go back to normal.
However, if the test comes back positive, the NHS Test and Trace team will get in touch – via text, email, or phone call – to discuss whom you have come into close contact with.
Here is a visual reminder of the process
What are the financial implications of self-isolating?
Those that are self-isolating or those that have been told by the NHS to self isolate isolating will be eligible for statutory sick pay.
The guidance at the present time suggests that this will have to be funded by employers.
If you’re looking for advice on this subject and want to know how the changes will impact your business.
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