In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, thousands of businesses across the UK have furloughed employees in accordance with the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”). Under the CJRS, employers can obtain a grant from HMRC to cover the cost of employee wages up to a certain limit. You can find out more information on our HR Advice page
Starfish People are all about making a difference one person, one team or a company at a time. We have received numerous calls and emails from existing clients and companies wanting advice following the recent announcements.
We have where possible updated our online HR News & Advice page on a daily basis with useful information to assist during this tragic period.
Some companies understandably have wanted individual advice and this cannot be given in an open forum. We have therefore been asked if we could provide a “Starfish People Support Pack” for them which we have done.
We want to offer this facility to other businesses, our aim is to enable everyone we contact to have access to the support they require when they need it.
Our COVID-19 Employers Support Pack covers the following
What is furlough leave?
Whom does it apply to?
How do I implement it for my staff?
What are my employees’ rights during furlough leave?
If you need assistance answering these questions, have any other questions about furlough leave – or indeed the impact of COVID-19 on your workforce – Starfish People will be able to help you.
This is an uncertain time for employers and employees. The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) aims to help employers to continue paying their employees as an alternative to redundancy and/or lay off.
CJRS allows employers to Furlough its employees – meaning they will receive up to 80% of their pay (capped at £2,500 per month) – whilst there is a downturn in work, or the business is closed.
To help companies understand and implement the CJRS Starfish People has a support package in place:
1-hour free advice by telephone, email or zoom video link
FAQs on furlough leave/lay off if required
Furlough letter to staff
To discuss this or for any other specific HR advice.
Contact us by completing our secure contact form
Alternatively, call us direct on 01243-607357, or by emailing [email protected]
To learn more about us visit
Keeping up to date with the latest HR news & Advice is a must. Our Starfish People HR News and Advice page is updated on a regular basis with industry advice. It includes a mix of practical advice allowing you to take action and also articles on employment law and more.
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