Navigating April’s Employment Law Updates

What You Need to Know

As April unfolds, a significant wave of employment law updates has taken effect, marking a notable event in the regulatory landscape. For many of us in the realm of Human Resources, this surge of changes presents an exhilarating challenge, reminiscent of times past. However, for business owners and managers like you, the prospect of staying abreast of these developments can feel daunting.

Fear not, for we’re here to guide you through the intricacies of these updates and empower you with the knowledge needed to navigate this evolving terrain.

Let’s take a look into what you need to know:

Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act 2023:

The scope of protection for pregnant employees has been extended significantly under this Act. Now encompassing the period from pregnancy notification to 18 months post-childbirth, it also safeguards those on maternity/adoption/shared parental leave who may face redundancy.

To ensure compliance, review and update your policies and procedures accordingly. It’s imperative to provide training to all stakeholders, particularly those overseeing staff, to effectively address any operational issues affecting employees eligible for redundancy protection.

The Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024:

Expect greater flexibility for new parents regarding statutory paternity leave. The revised regulations allow employees to take leave at any point within the first year, with the option to split it into two one-week blocks. Notice requirements have also been amended, reducing the lead time to 28 days.

Revise your policies and communicate these changes effectively throughout your organisation.

Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023:

Granting employees the right to request flexible working from day one, this Act enhances work-life balance. Furthermore, employees are now entitled to make up to two requests per year.

Embrace a culture of flexibility where feasible, and ensure managers are equipped to handle such requests promptly and fairly. Update employment contracts and policies to align with the new provisions.

The Carer’s Leave Act 2023:

Recognising the increasing number of carers in the UK, this Act entitles carers to one week of unpaid leave annually, effective from day one of employment.

Communicate this across your organisation and update relevant documents accordingly. Establish fair procedures for handling leave requests and make contingency plans to mitigate operational disruptions.

Additional Changes:

Beyond these key updates, other changes that demand attention are:

  • Adjustments to calculating holiday pay and leave
  • Increment in national minimum wage rates
  • Alterations to statutory maternity pay, sick pay rates, and pension scheme auto-enrolment criteria

In the face of these significant employment law updates, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and proactive. Compliance ensures the protection of your business, employees, and legal standing. Should you require guidance or support, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

We are here to help you navigate these changes smoothly.

If you need further guidance, feel free to get in touch.

For HR advice or to discuss how the new employment laws will impact your business you can book a FREE 30-minute consultation with Helen Price-Evans our HR Guru in the Starfish People Virtual Meeting Room by using the link or scanning the QR code below.

Helen will address your HR questions and concerns, and if you choose to work with us post-consultation, enjoy a discounted rate on our HR Packages!

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