A Series of Small Business Recruitment Mistakes to Avoid (1)


1. Recruiting Out of Desperation

First, check your recruitment motivations and make sure you’re planning ahead for your staffing needs. It’s one thing to realize it’s time to expand your team because you have a reliable busy season coming up in a few months and need the extra support. It’s another thing entirely to realize that the busy season is upon you and you need extra help right now.

Among the most common small business recruitment mistakes seen by Heidi Lynne HR Consulting, is making an appointment out of desperation. “They recruit for the skills they need right now and neglect character when skills are trainable, and character is not. This ends up causing more frustration and a clash of personalities because, in the long run, they find themselves with a diverse range of personalities on staff that are not aligned with the mission, vision, and values of the company and have no real investment in the company.”

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